Our Story

How it all started...

We are a church diverse in our membership and approach to worship, ministry and missions, but we are single-minded in the proclamation of the truth that Jesus Christ is Lord. In everything we do and through every program we offer we strive to Love God, Love Others, and Serve each with gladness.

For over fifty years, God has moved mightily in the Pulaski County community in the ministry provided through Westside Baptist Church. We are grateful to God for using this church to reach our community and share the love of Jesus.
There are ministries for people of all ages. For information about any of these offerings, use the simple navigational tabs at the top left side of this page.

Expanding the vision...

Our hope is to be known as believers who love God, His church,  and our community. We seek to exalt the name and supremacy of Christ in our church and within our county and beyond.  

Where we are headed...

Our goal is to engage our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, continuing to build for the Kingdom of God by connecting and building relationships with families, individuals, local businesses, non-profit organizations and more.
We hope to continue to engage the individuals, families, businesses, and organizations in our county with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to build for His Kingdom.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.